1. Every Student must have a copy of School Diary which should be brought to school daily.


2. School Hours are from 7:50 am to 1:40pm. Pupils must be within the school premises by 7:50 am. Students, upon reaching the school are expected to sit and study their lessons before morning assembly. At the assembly bell, all must move towards the assembly ground an after the assembly, students shall go to their respective class rooms in perfect silence and order.


3. Both the parents and students must read all the rules printed on the school calendar. Ignorance of the rules will not be counted as an excuse.


4. When the teacher enters the class room, the students must stand up and wish him/her the time of the day. They shall stand in reverence when the teacher leaves the class room. As a sign of respect, they should greet the teachers whenever they meet them outside the school.


5. No students are allowed to remain in the class-room during recess/drill period without special permission from the Headmistress. Students from one class are not permitted to enter another class.


6. English being the medium on instruction, students are expected to talk only in English at the school. Those students who are using any other language in the school will be punished.


7. Any kind of damage done to the school property including ink stains on the wall or the school furniture must be compensated at the expense of the offender along with the fine that may be imposed by the principal/H.M.


8. Irregular attendance or the habitual negligence of duty or misbehavior or conduct injurious to the tone of the school or insubordination to the authority or any another type of mis-conduct is sufficient reason for the suspension or dismissal of a student.


9. No students shall be allowed to go out or be taken out of the school compound without obtaining the ‘out pass’ from the H.M/Principal. The out pass shall not be issued unless the H.M/Principal is satisfied with the genuineness of the matter and accompanying person.


10. Cleanliness of person and dress is expected of every student. Students should always come to school clean and tidy dressed in full uniform.


11. Students themselves will be responsible for their own belongings. The school will not entertain any claim for the loss of money, books, umbrella etc. It is advised to mark the name on all his/her belongings.


12. No students will be granted leave without prior written application of the parents/Guardians. If a student is absent from the school without leave for 15 days continuously, his/her name shall be removed from the rolls. Any student absent for a day or part of the day without proper reason will be fined.


13. After absence from class, students must produce before the Headmistress/Principal a written justification from his/her parents both in the regularity record of the handbook, and in a separate letter. Any false letters will be severely dealt with.


14. Any students coming late must produce before the Headmistress/ Principal a written justification in his/her regularity record.


15. To get admitted to the class-room, the one who has been absent or late must show the teacher in charge, his /her regularity record duly counter signed by the H.M/Principal.


16. Students are to take part in all the extra-curricular activities of the school, such as any physical exercise, literary competitions, social work etc. and no will be excused except for grave reasons.


17. No child suffering from contagious or infections disease shall be permitted to attend the class.


18. A record of the addresses of parents and guardians is maintained in the school office and they are requested to communicate any change that may occur in it without delay.


19. No collection for any purpose whatsoever is to be made and no meeting, demonstration party may be held without the prior permission of the Principal/ Headmistress.


20. Students are not allowed to go for picnic or excursion of their own in the name of the school.


21. No articles, stories, poems, drawings etc. shall be put on the notice board without the approval of the Principal / Headmistress.


22. When ever the school arranges picnic / excursion, it will be intimated to the parents / guardians through the wards and in return they may give the consent for the same giving their signature in the “No objection Certificate “.


23. Discourtesy and disrespect to the members of the staff in any form will be viewed seriously and students responsible for such misbehavior are the liable to be dismissed without any prior information or warning.


24. Eating fruits or sweets or any other eatable in the class room during class is strictly forbidden.


25. The use of Tobacco, Tamul, Supari, Talab, Raja etc. is totally forbidden in the school. Students found indulging in those will be suspended or permanently expelled from the school.


26. Students are strictly forbidden to smoke or chew pan. Use of drugs or Narcotics calls for dismissal of a student without warning.


27. All complaints, request and positive suggestions shall personally be brought to the H.M./ Principal by the parents.


28. Parents / Guardians are not allowed to meet their wards or meet the teachers during school hours.


29. Parents / Guardians of the children are not allowed to enter the class rooms.


30. Vehicles are not allowed to enter the school campus for safety reasons. Parking is allowed only a few yards away from the main school gate.


31. Parents should go through the school diary each day and sign all the notices and messages.


32. All the pupils must be present on the first day when the school re-opens for each term. Late comers will be fined.


33. No books other than the text books (eg. Periodicals, mobile phones, cameras etc) should be brought to the school without the permission of the H.M/Principal. Students found with obscene books or pictures in their hands or lending them to others are liable to be punished.


34. When students quarrel or fight in the campus or school premises, the matter must immediately be reported to the H.M/Principal.